The poem "कलाम को मेरा सलाम" by Sachin A. Pandey pays tribute to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, a renowned scientist and former President of India, often referred to as the "Missile Man." The poem highlights his extraordinary intellect, dedication, and significant contributions to India's space and missile programs, including providing the country with nuclear capabilities. The author expresses admiration for Kalam's relentless pursuit of knowledge, his inspiration to people of all ages, and his legacy as a beloved figure in Indian society. The poem concludes with a heartfelt salute to Kalam, emphasizing the pride and honor of having him as a part of the nation.
Sachin A. Pandey द्वारा हिंदी कविता
Four Stars
The book Kavyabharati consists of a collection of poetries and shayaris based on various genres categories viz. patriotism,love,personality,occasion,etc.Hope,the readers will love it reading!
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