Autobiography - forgotten memories - 6 book and story is written by किशनलाल शर्मा in Hindi . This story is getting good reader response on Matrubharti app and web since it is published free to read for all readers online. Autobiography - forgotten memories - 6 is also popular in Anything in Hindi and it is receiving from online readers very fast. Signup now to get access to this story.
Autobiography - forgotten memories - 6
Kishanlal Sharma
हिंदी कुछ भी
It was Diwali on Nov 10,1969.I was very restless that day.There was panic inside my heart.Amxiety from Bali's side.And that dream was not giving up at all.Bapu had gone to the office in the morning as usual. I got ready and went to the market at about 10 in the morning.I had gone through the platform..The window of Baby's chamber was open.He was sitting and working writing work.My freind was there in market.We both sat in the hotel..About 2 hours we kept talking.Then we went out from the hotel.The way I went to the market.I returned by the same route.Bapu
Autobiography it means writing about yourself.There is freedom of speech in our country,but it does mean that whatever we say or say anything that may...
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