The story introduces us to "Nanha," a precious individual known for his simplicity, patriotism, honesty, and integrity, who was posthumously awarded the "Bharat Ratna," India's highest civilian honor. This person is none other than Lal Bahadur Shastri, the second Prime Minister of India, and he was the first recipient of this honor after death. Shastri was born on October 2, 1904, in Mughal Sarai, Uttar Pradesh. He came from a humble background, and after the death of his father when he was just 18 months old, his mother raised him and his siblings in Mirzapur. He completed his primary education there and later attended Kashi Vidyapeeth for higher studies. However, he left his education incomplete to join the Non-Cooperation Movement in 1920, inspired by Mahatma Gandhi. He was arrested but released due to his age. He completed his postgraduate education in Sanskrit in 1925, earning the title "Shastri," which he adopted as a surname to reject the caste system. Shastri married Lalita in 1928, and they had six children. His life was marked by struggles, which shaped his character as a simple, honest, and dedicated individual. His respect for self-respect and responsibility is illustrated through two anecdotes: one about his determination to cross the Ganges River without borrowing money for a boat fare, and another about a lesson in responsibility learned while picking flowers in a garden with friends. Overall, Lal Bahadur Shastri's life reflects deep values and a commitment to the nation, which ultimately led him to become a revered figure in Indian history. " नन्हे प्राईम मिनिस्टर " एक अनमोल रत्न Neelima Kumar द्वारा हिंदी प्रेरक कथा 10 2.3k Downloads 8.8k Views Writen by Neelima Kumar Category प्रेरक कथा पढ़ें पूरी कहानी मोबाईल पर डाऊनलोड करें विवरण हमारे भारतवर्ष का एक ऐसा अनमोल रत्न जिसकी सादगी, देशभक्ति, ईमानदारी और सत्यनिष्ठा ने, ना ही उसे आजाद हिंदुस्तान का दूसरा प्रधानमंत्री बनने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त कराया बल्कि इन्हीं खूबियों की वजह से मरणोपरांत उसे भारत रत्न की उपाधि भी दिलवाई। "GEMS OF INDIA" प्रतियोगिता अगस्त 2018 के अंतर्गत आज मैं आपका परिचय कोहिनूर से भी कीमती " नन्हे प्राइम मिनिस्टर " अर्थात भारत रत्न लाल बहादुर शास्त्री जी से करवाने जा रही हूँ। More Likes This गांव का उजाला - 1 द्वारा simran bhargav साक्षात्कार -पीयूष गोयल द्वारा Piyush Goel 110 विचार जो आपकी जिंदगी…. द्वारा Piyush Goel જીવન પ્રેરક વાતો - ભાગ 11 - 12 द्वारा Harshad Kanaiyalal Ashodiya गिरोह द्वारा Anand Tripathi एक अंजानी दोस्ती - पार्ट 1 द्वारा krick प्यारा सा बगीचा द्वारा DINESH KUMAR KEER अन्य रसप्रद विकल्प हिंदी लघुकथा हिंदी आध्यात्मिक कथा हिंदी फिक्शन कहानी हिंदी प्रेरक कथा हिंदी क्लासिक कहानियां हिंदी बाल कथाएँ हिंदी हास्य कथाएं हिंदी पत्रिका हिंदी कविता हिंदी यात्रा विशेष हिंदी महिला विशेष हिंदी नाटक हिंदी प्रेम कथाएँ हिंदी जासूसी कहानी हिंदी सामाजिक कहानियां हिंदी रोमांचक कहानियाँ हिंदी मानवीय विज्ञान हिंदी मनोविज्ञान हिंदी स्वास्थ्य हिंदी जीवनी हिंदी पकाने की विधि हिंदी पत्र हिंदी डरावनी कहानी हिंदी फिल्म समीक्षा हिंदी पौराणिक कथा हिंदी पुस्तक समीक्षाएं हिंदी थ्रिलर हिंदी कल्पित-विज्ञान हिंदी व्यापार हिंदी खेल हिंदी जानवरों हिंदी ज्योतिष शास्त्र हिंदी विज्ञान हिंदी कुछ भी हिंदी क्राइम कहानी