See a dark theme with healthy pinch of humour and a message hidden behind in "No. 1. Avinash Verma" - a short film made by the students of film workshop (April 2018 batch) under the guidance of Aditi Thakor and Yogender Kumar (Yogi2099) at Broken Box Filmz. In this 10 days workshop, students learnt the basics of film making from ideation to scripting to direction. They wrote the script and shot the film under the professional environment while learning both the theory and practical side of it. The process continues to editing to sound design to music to the dubbing. The final result comes out to be this film that we all at Broken Box Flilmz feels proud and excited to share with everyone.
लॉग इन करें
लॉगिन से आप मातृभारती के "उपयोग के नियम" और "गोपनीयता नीति" से अपनी सहमती प्रकट करते हैं.
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