with sheer passion and dedication of team work we made this short film in just #50hours for #Asia's_largest_film_making_festival #who_am_I is not a story of any other person ,its the story of my self only..whenever I get confused I asked my self in peace who am I? What I actually want to be, where I am seeing my self. Am I what I always wanted to be ? if no then why ? What obstructing me to chase my identity..that's what we all need to do. Sit in silence and ask your self who am I? You will get unheard answer about yourself
लॉग इन करें
लॉगिन से आप मातृभारती के "उपयोग के नियम" और "गोपनीयता नीति" से अपनी सहमती प्रकट करते हैं.
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