Nagendra Dutt Sharma

Nagendra Dutt Sharma







आपके बारे में

My name is Nagendra dutt Sharma residing at present in Dehradun, a city Capital of Uttarakhand, a State of India, the beautiful hilly area of Garhwal Himalayas, a very popular and famous touristic city that is also known as a hub for education which also have a charming and fascinating climate to live. My overall view in nutshell is: All people here on this planet earth are for help to each other. If we do not stick to this principle, we are not heading in the direction in which the Almighty is trying to lead us. Life is short, our memories will remain only if our deeds are thoughtful and kind. I understand that you are a unique creature of that Almighty and everyone of us has excellent and uncomparable features and came here on the earth for a particular purpose which each of us catches according to His direction. We mustn’t act like animals as the animals have no mind and imagination to feel what is good and what is bad. If we do like them, then how are we different from them We must think about others...

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