Bhupendra Kumar Dave की किताबें व् कहानियां मुफ्त पढ़ें


by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 8.2k

मृत्यु-बोध मैं पहली बार श्मशान गया था। अन्त्येष्ठि मेरे मित्र की थी इसलिये खालीपन का कसैला स्वाद रह-रहकर मस्तिष्क ...

हार्ट ट्राँस्प्लांट

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 6.6k

The story is about a heart surgeon who determines to save a child with damaged heart. A donor was ...

रोशनी बुझे दिये की

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 12.2k

The story is about the illuminating heart that leads one and all from darkness to light. It radiates, diffuses, ...

बबूल के काँटे

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 19.8k

This is a children s story based on pure imagination of an old grand mother. She is trying to ...


by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 19.2k

It is humour story on Prem Patra with a Prem Patra as well. It tells ...

जीवन -- ईश्वर द्वारा दिया गया सबसे अद्भुत उपहार

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 14k

We all get twenty hours as a gift from God everyday. He also gives us full freedom to live ...

उसे वचन निभाना था

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 7.5k

The story is about two brave explorers in Antartica who try to save each other in order to keep ...

Vedic Philosophy

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 7.1k

Here attempt has been made to go deep into the Vedic Philosophy where the thoughts of Brahman originated and ...

अनमोल क्षण

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 9.2k

This one is a short story written while observing the passengers waiting at the airport. They had to wait ...

कहानी सरहद की

by Bhupendra Kumar Dave
  • 10.6k

It is a short story on a jawan who was fighting on border. His friend who was also fighting ...